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joe mama


I get five endings, But there all are bad endings. So is there no good endings?

Deleted 48 days ago

I got 4 endings in total. I'm wondering if there's a fifth. Either way, this was a great narrative game!


how many endings

I think there are 5 endings

It was a great story. Good job.


Thwis... sweemws..... pawanowmwal....... I wanwed a stowy to SWOP the Chewnobwl Dwiswaswter, not a stowy abwout how a weactor mewtdown qwuickwy is weveawed as an Etheweaw Pewson Contwainmwent Vwessel! Hmmph. No suppowt.


what the fuck


Wym? hadron27 didnt wike twe sdtowy


Lol didn't you copy this from another user


This... seems..... paranormal....... I wanted a story to STOP the Chernobyl Disaster, not a story about how a reactor meltdown quickly is revealed as an Ethereal Person Containment Vessel! Hmmph. No support.

(1 edit) (+4)

Hmmm well why not go write your own story! Like writing with this project as inspiration.


A very well told tale!